Allegroitalia La Spezia 5 Terre is a 3 stars accommodation located in a central situation, perfect for easily getting to the main tourist attractions that La Spezia can offer to its visitors. The lodging has free wifi internet connection in all its facilities. Allegroitalia La Spezia 5 Terre offers several amenities, being some of the most relevants: parking, free parking, restaurant and air conditioned. Customers travelling with pets are also allowed to stay. About the remarcable places, is located beside Museo civico Ubaldo Formentini, in the whereabouts of Museo civico etnografico "G. Podenzana" and Museo Etnografico Podenzana e Museo Diocesano and close to Museo nazionale dei trasporti La Spezia.
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Address: Piazzale Giovanni XXIII, 1. 19121 La Spezia. Italy.